Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the cost of a Custom Ocean Project snorkel tour?
Every Ocean Project is custom designed by our dedicated team of Marine Biologists & Naturalists for your family and/or group. As such, we need to gather some information specific to your family/group, in order to provide you with your custom Ocean Project quote.
The reason for this is that if we were to take a group of 8 non-swimmers, we would perhaps have to provide additional safety equipment, staffing/crew, and allot additional time when compared to a group of 8 professional scuba divers or snorkelers.
This ensures both groups in the above example would have a safe and enjoyable experience that was conducted at their own comfort level and pace.
Click the button below to view/print the list of questions we will need to start building your Custom Ocean Project. Once we have this information we will provide you with a quote.
Do you offer Snorkel Tours from a boat?
We DO NOT own or operate boats within our business model. All of our Custom Ocean Project Snorkel Tours are shore based.
What all is included in my Custom Ocean Project?
We have specific equipment for all ages such as;
Viewer Boogie Boards that allow you to look thru a viewer window in a boogie board to see the marine life from the surface
Hand held Viewer cones that allow younger children more viewing options. This is a great option for anyone reluctant to wear a snorkel mask as well.
Children specific snorkel equipment and wetsuits to ensure a proper fitment, which helps extend the enjoyable time in the water
We include the following equipment with EVERY Custom Ocean Project:
High Quality Snorkel Equipment including Mask, Snorkel, Fins
Wetsuits which will provide warmth and buoyancy
Safety equipment such as Boogie Boards for additional flotation
AMAZING images of your entire experience both above and below the water. It is like getting a free family/group portrait session, with the added bonus of underwater images.
What should I bring to the beach for my Custom Ocean Project?
Please arrive with everyone in your family/group wearing their swimsuits. It is OK to wear something over these suites when you arrive. We recommend NOT bringing anything with you to the beach that you do not intend to wear, or leave on the beach mat/towel.
Please Bring Water or something to drink.
Bring sunscreen, but we ask that in most cases you DO NOT put sunscreen on your face until after the snorkel portion of your Ocean project. This is because some chemicals within sunscreen will dissolve in the salty ocean water, causing your eyes to burn or sting. Remember, SNORKELING is an activity that you have your face in the water to enjoy and view the amazing underwater world, thus out of direct sunlight. With that said, always adhere to your dr’s directions, if you have a concern or issue with direct sunlight.
Please take the time to have every adult in your family/group READ the Liability Release Form. You can click on the button below to view, READ, Print & SIGN the Liability Release Form. Every adult over the age of 18 years old will need to complete this task. Children under the age of 18 will require a separate Liability Release form, which is to be completed by a legal guardian and adult over the age of 18 years old.
Please note that we DO NOT allot time for a snack or lunch. However, feel free to bring anything like that with you for after your Ocean Project is completed.
Can I see some images from Previous Ocean Projects?
Currently the best location to see images from previous Ocean Projects is on our TripAdvisor page.
We understand this may NOT be what you are looking for, please continue reading below.
This is a very popular question from anyone looking to gain a better understanding of what sets Ocean Project Maui apart from other Snorkel Tour Companies. However, we take everyone’s privacy very seriously, and do not share images of past clients without their consent.
With that said…
We are in the process of updating all of our online and social media presence, including new images and videos.
We would love your consideration and approval to use the images from your Ocean Project to update our online imaging.
If you are interested in helping us grow this new project, please click the link below to view & read the Image Release Form(‘s). Please note I would need a completed form for each person that wishes to submit there images for use online.
Their are Image Release Forms for ADULTS (18 years or older), as well as a separate form for anyone under 18 years old.
OUR PROMISE TO YOU: We will never sell or use your images, or your likeness in an offensive or otherwise unkind manor.